In Conversation with Myself….

Published in
3 min readMay 26, 2024


Article One

Introspection, inner thoughts, & imagination!

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

When you learn to manage your feelings then it becomes the biggest blessing in life.

Circumstances, experiences, and the wisdom gained through the thick and thin help one to become a better manager of one’ s own life.

It doesn’t mean to be afraid of making mistakes as these mistakes are nothing but the stepping stones to earn various insights. There is no single recipe or fixed ingredients, the shake or a pie, which would give you all the answers and solutions to the different problems. The nature of every situation and challenge that we face in life is unique and so the tackling of the same has to be and must be ‘out of the box’, something that’s achievable, understandable and reasonable to YOU. You don’t have to copy anyone else, & their actions as the solutions to their own problems suit them and may not suit you always.

Don’t be scared of trying something new and that which comforts you and makes sense to you. Not to mention, the most amazing inventions and discoveries were done by those who took the road less traveled by and forged their own path.

You don’t have to be extraordinary to be able to do things on a daily basis in the bestest way possible, in fact you don’t have to be the best or perfect for anybody as long as you are making sense to yourself.

You need to know whether you have become better or not than what you used to be yesterday. If you are making improvements, you are on the right road. The small beginnings, constant trials, and sheer enthusiasm to do your best each day can bring wonders any day, anytime in your life. And even if it’s not the best outcome for the world, you never know maybe you would end up being an inspiration, a guiding light, and a perfect example for somebody out there. As an individual you have immense potential to inspire many around you, if not millions or billions. And so instead of waiting for that opportunity let’s keep trying our best.

The Key

The key is to live in the present. This very moment is the only reality that exists. No matter how much you plan or how good your ‘to-do list’ is for the future, the almighty, Shiva knows what’s good for you. He knows what is better, much better than you know and think about yourself.

Sometimes, the pain within gets so hurtful, so unbearable that it compels you to think more on your past experiences. It also forces you to think of ways to make the future better than today and yesterday. The stress, the anxieties, and the hopelessness create a quagmire and a hodgepodge of emotions. As a result we end up taking wrong decisions, making the situation even worse.

They say that it is easier said than done’. But unless we experiment, and try something at least once, the implicit treasures of wisdom that one can gain from different experiences in the world would remain unfounded. Taking a deep breath and focusing on everything that’s around is where all your answers and solutions lie. Stop cribbing about the problems you have in life as you are not the only one suffering, stop comparing yourself with others as each one of us have different background and experiences, stop leveling your life with that of others as each one of us had different past life karmas and present life karmas too.

Don’t think that the process shared above is like moving a magic wand where one move would make every challenge disappear. There would be instances when you would still feel like crying. But the mere focus and full concentration in the present would give way to the beginning of a new world around you.

Maybe you will fall a hundred times, but each time you get up again, you take yourself closer to becoming the ‘BEST MANAGER’ of your life and your feelings.




|| For the Love of Writing || Shivani Devgan (Pen name - Sivena)