In Europe

Ashley Malecha
Published in
1 min readAug 16, 2023

List Poem

Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

In Europe, you learn to
greet people with Bonjour and Ciao.
And you realize the meaning shifts
depending on the time of day.

And you begin to learn that
the sun sets at the same time in France and Minnesota,
but the time is different.
20hr on the clock is
eight at night in Paris
but one in the afternoon in Minnesota.

And you learn
English is commonly spoken,
most of Europe’s second language.

In Europe, you learn
water is bottled, tap,
and eau gazeuse, acqua frizzante, and mineralna Voda.

And you learn
where people gather
smoky air follows.

And you begin to learn to
dine at your leisure.
There will be no bread,
wine at meals,
cappuccino only in the mornings,
no doggy bags for your small meal,
take your cheque at the counter,
and there are multiple courses.

And you learn
espresso is ordered at the bar,
taken like a shot
— thrown back —
with a side of water.

In Europe, you learn to
say Grazi and hope
someone replies with Prego.

List made by Megan M (June 13–25, 2023). Poem written by Ashley Malecha.



Ashley Malecha

Ashley is a writer of stories, advice, poetry, and much more. A college graduate. And an occasional traveler.