In For A Penny, In For A Brag

Has earning on Medium gone to our heads?

Courtenay Schembri Gray
Published in
3 min readApr 23, 2021


Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels

As a newbie to Medium, I have noticed the frequency in which well established content writers reveal their monthly income. I hear cries of;

“Three thousand, that’s less than last month!”

The prospect of earning three thousand dollars per month is astounding, but what’s far more shocking is how this amount can be seen as a disappointment. This makes me wonder if Medium’s biggest earners have lost touch with reality and forgotten their small beginnings.

Being a writer is all I ever have and wanted to be. Joining Medium has been very beneficial to me so far as I had been finding difficulty in finding appreciation for my work. I have hopes of joining those high earners someday, and I would like to hope that it won’t go to my head.

I believe there is a severe lack of perspective, considering that many people across the globe are struggling financially. Due to the pandemic, financial struggles have risen greatly, so to complain about only earning three thousand dollars via a website that allows you to work at your own pace is insulting.

Let’s put ourselves in the shoes of the one doing the bragging, what could they possibly want to achieve here?

1. People Will Envy Them



Courtenay Schembri Gray

Courtenay Schembri Gray is a writer from the North of England.