In God We Trust

Ryan Chilton
Published in
2 min readMar 17, 2022


It’s easier to put your trust in God. I put my trust in him every day. God is always there to hear us in our brightest and darkest days. He is our light in the dark and the sun in our days. He makes and destroys in his own name.

God is who I put my trust in because I tried putting it in man. He threw me in jail, he makes me pay to live, he lies and tells me where I live is the land of the free but it hasn’t been in some time. It’s a land that the police help control the peace but even though it’s paid by the people they have orders to get a quota making it not so peace governed.

I put my trust in man until I realized what our government does to the veterans. They go to war for our “freedom” but when they look to our government for their freedom they get forgotten. They may receive something but it’s never enough but that arm, leg, or bullet they got taken off or out was enough to pay for our “freedom”.

Is it really freedom if it’s not free?

In God I do trust because he feeds me, he gives me light, he gives me life, he gives me delight, and he gives me love. He gave us his son, he gave us our world, he created us in his image.

God is the eternal being that I place my trust in. And that’s why I feel like you should too.

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Ryan Chilton

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