In grieving, we heal…

By keeping an open heart … we gently heal

Ruks Moreea


Photo by Author

Does our grief help us heal or, do we heal when we grieve?

As the world collectively grieves, are we slowly able to face our need to heal from our old selves, old mental constructs and break from the chains of old stories?

As we lose our loved ones, to a long illness or just suddenly, snatched from us, are we opening ourselves to healing from our past selves, our old beings who serve us no more?

Are we able to peel off and shed our layers of dead skin to renew ourselves and merge with our truths and our authentic selves? Can we move into the new evolved us?

Are we able to see the world with fresh new eyes and live and love to our full ability, without an ounce of guilt? Are we able to see the world with a new lens, just as our departed loved ones would us to?

Our darling departed souls may no longer be around us in the physical world but are always deep within us in our souls. We only need to allow them to be there, deep within us.

We only need to recognize the signs, the fallen feathers from the sky, with no birds in sight, the random song on our playlist that reassures us that all is well.

Our beloved departed have always got their ways to show us they are here. They urge us to heal from our tormented pasts and encourage us to positively move forwards.

We heal in our grief, we learn to love and live more in compassion. This is what our beloved souls would want for us. They would want us to live lives to our best abilities, be our best selves, with an ongoing search for wisdom.

We can only do so by healing from our old broken selves, facing our demons, and learning to forgive ourselves…Above all, learn to truly love ourselves.

Just as Rumi said: Grief can be the garden of compassion. If you keep your heart open through everything, your pain can become the greatest ally in your life’s search for love and wisdom.”

Stay true to yourselves. Sending you all, much healing light



Ruks Moreea

Alternative Thinker. Lover of All Things Good & Life. Interested in humanity, spirituality, conscious parenting and human energy. MSc Psychology,PhD, FRSPH