In The Middle Of The Night

A poem of heartbreak

Paul Douglas


Source: Heartbreak Grief Loss — Free image on Pixabay

Waking up tired and alone
The place in bed beside me
Cold and empty
Without you

You slipped out in the middle of the night
Only a note on your pillow left behind
You left when I was at my most vulnerable
Never to come back

Dawn breaks on a new morn
Then sheds its light to noon
And I’m still laying here head in hands
When the new day is done

Laying prone in bed
Facing your note
Afraid to touch it
Lest it becomes real

On your pillow
Like a trespasser
It seems to taunt me
As if I was a lesser,

Man than you needed me to be
To make you stay around
To make you happy,
But I am not that man

They say it’s better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all
But these words sound trite to me
I don’t believe in them at all



Paul Douglas

I have always loved to write, especially poems and short stories. I also have an abiding love for technology and gaming. I love to share my outlook with others.