Inauguration Day Finally Arrived

It has been a long wait

Floyd Mori


Photo by Dan Dennis on Unsplash

Inauguration Day Finally Arrived

It seemed a long wait for Inauguration Day 2021 to arrive after the insurrection of January 6, 2021, in which Trump supporters stormed the Nation’s Capitol. They wrecked havoc as they broke windows and doors to gain entrance illegally. They chanted “Hang Mike Pence” as they searched the halls for the chambers where members of Congress were certifying the electoral college votes of President Joe Biden.

It seemed a long wait for Inauguration Day to arrive after election day in November 2020 when Trump lost and Biden won. There were countless demonstrations and rallies held by Trump and his followers to protest the election results. They continually said the election was fraudulent and that it had been stolen from them. Right up to the end when voters chose two new Democratic Senators in Georgia, Trump and Mike Pence were in Georgia still saying the presidential election was unfair and that Trump won. Pence finally decided that he could not do Trump’s bidding any longer when he was asked to change votes which he could not legally do. The mobsters went after him.

It seemed a long wait for Inauguration Day to arrive after the coronavirus pandemic hit the United States and the world. It has been a year since COVID has caused numerous problems and…



Floyd Mori

Floyd Mori, born in Utah, is a former College Teacher, Mayor, CA State Assemblyman, Consultant, and CEO for Nonprofits.