“Industry 6.0: The Rise of Intelligent Manufacturing and the Future of Industry”

Jayant Chaudhari
Published in
5 min readApr 6, 2023


Industry 6.0 is not just about automating factories, but rather transforming entire industries through the integration of advanced technologies, enabling smarter decision-making, higher productivity, and unprecedented levels of customization.

Source: Brad Zylman — Brad Zylman — Industry 4.0 and Beyond to 6.0

Industry 6.0 represents the next phase of industrialization, which is focused on creating fully integrated, intelligent manufacturing systems that can operate with minimal human intervention. India, with its rapidly growing economy, strong technological infrastructure, and abundant talent pool, is well-positioned to become a major player in the Industry 6.0 ecosystem.

It combines human intelligence, artificial intelligence, cloud computing energy, human–robot working big data, quantum computing.

In the coming years and decades, a rapid technological transformation is affecting the living standards of human beings; the way we work, interact and live is drastically changed. It has been estimated that technology will achieve pure autonomy by 2050. To predict the revolution and how it will transform is uncertain, but one thing is certain: it will be an interdisciplinary world that will coordinate by, involving all players in the global political system, from government and business to academia and civil society.



Jayant Chaudhari

A technophile who likes to writing about different technologies and spreading knowledge.