Infinite Inspiration: How to Never Run Out of Ideas as a Writer?

What Should You Write About?



Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Are you racking your brains, but can’t think of any ideas?

Writing is often a lonely profession where you sit in front of a screen or a piece of paper for hours, doing your best to produce quality content. Sometimes your brain may go blank and you’ll be asking yourself one of the most difficult questions: “What should I write?”

It’s very common among writers and may be caused by writer’s block, or simple lack of ideas and inspiration. Below are my tips on how to deal with it, find inspiration and never run out of ideas.

If you experience writer’s block or lack of ideas, make sure:

  • You’re rested. Be sure that you get enough sleep and don’t feel stressed
  • Take a break. If you’re writing everyday and feel burned out, stop. Try not to write for one day. It’s ok to relax, exercise, go out for a walk, talk to friends, etc. It may be refreshing.
  • Read and research. Reading provides you with information and can give you inspiration

How to never run out of ideas?




I'm a gamer from Poland that writes sometimes. I wrote fanfiction on AO3 in the past. I like sunsets, travels, sour candy and self-care