Inner Peace and Focus

A monk story

Sushil Kumar 💝❤️


Inner Peace and Focus
Inner Peace and Focus (Image is created by author using prompt from Microsoft)

Friends, if our minds are empty, we can add certain thoughts to calm the chatter within. We can stop the flood of thoughts that constantly run through our minds.

Once a person’s progress stops, we can make them do whatever we want. That’s why, if you want to silence the chatter of the mind, listen to this story till the end.

This is the story of a city. In that city, there was a young man named Vikas. He had a problem — his mind wandered all the time. Negative thoughts constantly ran through his mind. The chattering in his mind never stopped. Whenever he was thinking about something, he wished he had done it differently.

Sometimes he would dwell on his past and regret, wishing he had changed things. Other times, he worried about the future, fearing failure and mistakes. Thoughts like, “What if I fail? What if I make a mistake? People will make fun of me,” filled his mind.

Vikas was always lost in his thoughts. He wanted to rid himself of these thoughts and desired that no useless thoughts should ever enter his mind. However, a flood of thoughts kept rising in his mind all the time, causing him great distress.

One day, someone told him about a monk living nearby in the forest. Vikas was told that this monk could solve his mental problem. Hearing this, he…



Sushil Kumar 💝❤️

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