Inside the Mind of… Grimes.

Only know her as Elon Musk’s partner? Let’s change that.

Hannah Davies


Grimes, live in 2014 via Wikipedia

Claire Boucher (b. 1988) has been putting out music for over a decade. During that time, she’s built up a steady cult following, received critical acclaim, and been deemed Best New Music by Pitchfork multiple times.

Since 2018, she’s also dating Elon Musk.

In 2020 they had a child together — you know, the one with the name like a Star Wars spaceship, X Æ A-12.

In a world where celebrity and money is king, this prompted a massive surge of new interest into Claire Boucher: more commonly known as the artist Grimes.

Namely, who the hell “Grimes” is. Why is she dating Elon Musk? How do you pronounce that baby name? What?

I hope you gain from this story:

  • Who Grimes is, and why she’s a formidable artist to watch.
  • Geater understanding of how she and Elon Musk are (very) compatible.
  • A fun introduction to a musician you may have heard of, but don’t really know yet!
  • For Grimes fans: some collected “lore” you may have missed.

Note: Artist-formerly-known-as moment here. For the last two years, Grimes has gone under the moniker c, not Claire, in her personal life…



Hannah Davies

Brit Psychologist (MBPsS, BSc), UX Researcher, human.