Instagram’s New Algorithm That is Trying to Give Us All a Heart Attack

Essentially Instagram’s main goals are to compete with TikTok and to better serve creators

Zianna Weston, MA


Instagram has a new algorithm
Photo by Souvik Banerjee on Unsplash

If you’re a social media manager, content creator, or small business owner that runs their own social then you have heard about Instagram’s new algorithm. I manage several Instagram accounts for both myself and my clients. These new changes have been frustrating to navigate and have impacted each account differently.

If you’ve experienced dips in engagement and reach, know that you’re not alone! I know that social media can be confusing, so I am sharing my research with you for everything that I’ve learned about the new algorithm. If you’ve learned anything that I have excluded, PLEASE, help us all and include it in the comments!

The new algorithm is designed to:

  • reward original content
  • promote reels
  • especially for accounts with a longer history of posting reels
  • they’ve introduced a new “reels bonus”. You can get paid for your reels based on views. It’s only available to certain accounts, but *crosses fingers* should be coming to more accounts.
  • help businesses



Zianna Weston, MA

Follow for pop culture news, movie reviews, true crime, podcast recommendations, digital marketing and social media, and whatever strikes my fancy!