Intentions — Part 1

Daniel Asuquo
Published in
4 min readJan 27, 2021
Image from Pixabay

When a person thinks a thought, this thought weaves itself into the brain and then goes out (like radio waves) to connect with other thoughts similar to it. This is because thoughts have a frequency. So I could be thinking about a song and someone else in my vicinity starts to sing it — because they happen to be on the same frequency so they catch the thought. This is basic.

When a person thinks a thought chronically, it becomes more than just a thought because feeling is then attached to the thought — it becomes a mindset and then it weaves itself into subconscious to create ‘a way of life’ or ‘a string of experiences’; basically put, a chronic way of thinking becomes ‘who you are’.

Are you still with me?

Intentions accompany thoughts. They are the “why” behind our thoughts and it is those intentions that will determine how the result will feel when we get what we have thought. Intentions also go out as radio waves to bring us things in line with our intentions. Let me break it down — what do you say to an example?

I wanted to join a runners’ club a while back but after spending a few minutes with the members, I realized they were not there to promote a healthy lifestyle, their intention for being there was to ‘show off’ their bodies and hook up! So I left.

You see we really don’t tell people what our intentions are so that is why we don’t understand when events occur and it’s harder to make sense of life. Intentions can never mislead and when we observe results that make no sense when compared to the ‘apparent’ events that followed, then it becomes clear that the ‘real’ intentions were hidden. Intentions will always show when results are examined.

Are you marrying for love or because all your friends are doing it? It doesn’t really matter what your answer is, we will see it as you progress in your marriage. Are you taking that political office because you want to serve the people or because you want to enrich yourself? Don’t bother answering! We will know after you enter office. Do you get the point?

The rewards we get in life are given based on intentions and not really the act in itself. In the bible it is said that “God sees the heart” and that is true. That person who is helping others because of his ulterior motives may be praised in the street as a good person but no matter — I have seen it over and over again where ‘good people’ meet really devastating ends and it makes no sense (to the uninitiated).

This is the take-home! The rewards we get from life will come after our intentions have been weighed so a person who seems harsh but is motivated by love will have a better life than the person who seems nice but really doesn’t give a hoot.

Yes there are immediate rewards — like the guys who gets into a girl’s pants because he helped her out of financial difficulty or the girl who has gotten an express husband because she managed to pin that pregnancy. We get what we want in the moment but it doesn’t end there. If our intentions are pure, then we can expect the rewards we cannot control directly but if our intentions are sketchy, well we should be ready for comes after — and by after I mean it could be years in the future.

Let me end with a story — A man came from humble beginnings and for some reason, found a rich man who was willing to give him a chance. He became a personal assistant to the rich man and started handling some of his affairs. He would scheme a few dollars off the top on some transactions, he would hike the price of the hotel rooms he stayed at when he went on business meeting for the rich man — you know, nothing to serious.

After a few years, the rich man told him that he wanted to build a new house and that he wanted it to be magnificent. “Spare no expense” the rich man said as he handed the entirety of the project to the assistant.

The assistant chose to enrich himself while buying substandard materials for the house. This house was to be built on a former swamp so he was to spend some extra dollars in fortifying the foundations — he did not!

After some months, the house stood in all its glory and the rich man came to see it. It looked just as it should have looked but the assistant knew that the blocks, the wood and pretty much everything in that house was not to specification. Then the rich man told his assistant that the house was his reward for serving him faithfully all those years. And that he was ready to let him go and take someone else under his wings.

That is how we get the results of our intentions — we most times can’t predict exactly how it will play out. The assistant got the initial reward of enriching himself while ‘building’ but his intention gave him a substandard house. If he had pure intentions, that house would have still been his but with bad intentions, we “shoot ourselves in the foot”.

Someone said that the law of attraction does not necessarily give us what we think or pray for — but who we are. That makes sense because “who we are” is what we have been thinking and intending consistently.

It’s beginning to come together now isn’t it? See you in part 2.

