Internally Sourced Confidence vs. Externally Sourced Confidence

One is sustainable while the other is flimsy.

D'Ana Joi


Lately, I’ve been pondering the difference between internally sourced confidence and externally sourced confidence.

One is sustainable while the other is flimsy. One is virtuous while the other can be used as a form of torture if we’re not careful.

Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

Internally Sourced Confidence

Internally sourced confidence asks you to create measures of success that are independent of outward circumstances.

This type of confidence looks like being proud of yourself for taking a risk, putting your work into the world, or setting stronger boundaries.

When your confidence is internally sourced, it doesn’t matter if the risk you took “paid off,” if the work you shared got high engagement, or if another person upheld the boundaries you’ve set.

Internally sourced confidence is a highly personal experience that nobody can give to you or take away from you.

Externally Sourced Confidence

Externally sourced confidence is the opposite. It’s confidence in yourself that depends…



D'Ana Joi

Life coach for multi-passionates and host of the Multi-Passionate Mastery Podcast. Listen Here: