Art by Ciarán Coffey

Introducing A list Of My Favourite Things

Gal Mux
Published in
5 min readDec 10, 2020


A publication by Gal Mux

I had been thinking of creating this publication for weeks. And I finally accomplished this fete.

I wanted it to be a publication about something that I really loved and felt great affinity for.

We all have things we love. Some of them we love more than others. They may be the people in our lives, things we love to eat, drink, dance to, things we love to read, to touch, to see, to do, to create, to listen to etc.

They may also be things others might never have even heard of.

Inspired by that beautiful scene in the classic film The Sound of Music. Where Flora Maria sings and teaches the Von Trapp children the song A Few of My Favourite Things, to help calm them from the terrifying storm, I created this publication.

She sings that when she remembers a few of her favourite things, it helps her not to feel so bad.

“I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don’t feel so bad”



Gal Mux

Lover of all things reading, writing, farms & gardens, 🥭&🍍salsas, laughter, crypto, MJ & Beyoncé.