Introducing Ahmed Jamal

Bio of a simple and kind man

Ahmed Jamal


Photo by Author- 2003

When I was young, I had many big dreams despite living in a country ravaged by civil war, yet it never occurred to me that one day, I will introduce myself to the world like this. It is such a great honor for me and really humbled to be part of this great community of readers and writers.

My name is Ahmed Jamal Abahaji and I am from Mogadishu, Somalia. I am the sixth born of a family of twelve. I am very proud to say that I had a very humble upbringing by very kind parents.

For many of you who are reading this bio, you have probably lived in a peaceful country in your whole life, but the opposite is true for me and the majority of my people. I was hardly able to describe what peace means or feels like until I visited some foreign countries later in my teenage years.

By coincidence in 1990, the year of my birth which also happens to be the same year that the central government collapsed, my country erupted into a civil war that lasted my entire childhood and teenage years as well as most of my adult life, except for the last few years now that we are witnessing some form of stability.

There are no words that can explain how difficult and risky it was just to get basic things like food, medicine, education, and the freedom to move around inside your own…



Ahmed Jamal

Kind and Simple | Life Long Learner | Loves Reading | Writer and Editor @ ILLUMINATION | E-mail: |