About Me

Introducing: Alexis Zarco

Stranger, we haven’t met yet, but I hope we can be good friends.

Alexis Zarco
Published in
4 min readMay 11, 2020


Alexis Zarco on Instagram

Who am I?

I suppose that’s the question everyone asks themselves.

Daughter, sister, student.

These are all titles that I have been given and claimed, but they’re not the whole of me. They do not make up my entirety, even though sometimes it feels like they do. As people, we are always changing — we are continually gaining new life experiences and growing because of them. We add new titles, shed the old ones, and strive for better ones. So I guess the question we should all be asking is…

Who am I right now?

At this very moment, I am a young woman with poetry in my lungs. I breathe it in. I am a sister, a daughter, a friend, a soon-to-be graduate, and a fierce advocate for mental health. I am a young Mexican American writer who loves sweet coffee, strawberries, and avocados — but not all at once. I am a dreamer but also a realist, an idealist, but also a pragmatist. I am stubborn, selfish, yet selfless. I am hardworking. I believe in magic and love — sometimes they’re the same thing. I believe in humanity, but it doesn’t always seem that way. I am compassion and hatred, and contradiction. I am me.



Alexis Zarco

A girl with poetry in her lungs • B.A. in Literature/Writing • liberlune.com