
Introduction: Andrew McNeal

Andrew McNeal
4 min readJul 7, 2020


Who Am I?

I’m a writer.

Photo by Florian Klauer on Unsplash

“Wow, who would have thought, a writer on a platform for writers?!”

I know everyone says that, but I’ve loved writing since I learned how. I’ll keep it short and simple, but don’t worry, I’ll have plenty of future stories to fill in the details.

The Basics

  • I’m 32 and was born and raised in Dallas, Texas.
  • I’ve lived here most of my life aside from a summer in New York City and three years in Chicago, Illinois as a child.
  • I’ve been married almost seven years and have a daughter who’s going into kindergarten.
  • I love writing, history, cars, and learning.

The Beginning

I was born at 25 weeks, weighing one pound, thirteen ounces.

I was not initially expected to live very long, then doctors said I’d never walk, talk, or read, and would have a low IQ. My birth family was unable to care for me, so I was adopted at eight months.

I began reading at age three, and was an A and B student all throughout school and excelled in English, writing, Literature, and History. I wrote multi-page stories in class in…



Andrew McNeal

I have been passionate about history, cars, and writing since I was a child. Find out more here: