The Reason Why So Numerous Individuals Are Squandering Their Time

The Shit We Don’t Understand

Md. Bilal
6 min readOct 10, 2022


Photo by Thomas Bormans on Unsplash

Human Journey start’s in this world from the day he is born, but we don’t get what’s going on and how we spend our life. That’s because we don’t attempt to get the reason for our life to live. Humans are creatures distant from idealization. We are obligated to make mistakes in any era. On the off chance that we go back in time and see the History of Mankind, we’ll discover that each sort of individual made mistakes. You’ll be able to name the person who has Laments (disappointment about something) no matter how much they tell you they have no Laments(no disappointment about something) in life. It may well be your Mother, Spouse, Children, Prime Minister of any nation, Steve Jobs, or Albert Einstein. At this point, you might say, what is the riddle? What I think is that issue is with our Objectives and Mentality. There are a couple of questions that you just ought to investigate yourself and reply to your questions.


Time is incontrollable, totally abstract, and intangible. So it’s impossible to go in the past with a time machine to tell yourself what mistakes you are making in your life. The time you’ve lost is gone, and there’s nothing you can do about it. So, what now should you Suicide? I would not recommend this to anyone because this is no good reason to kill yourself. Overthinking about your past won’t help you in the slightest. Therefore, it is better to think and focus on your present.

“Time flies at lightning speed, and leave behind the shadows of Regrets”


Resetting your mind is a good solution. You need to forget the past and focus on the present. How do you reset yourself, and indeed is it possible to ignore the past and think that it never happened? It is impossible to forget something in this world, and particularly the recollections of your memory you’ve got of your previous years and past are not going to be forgotten that easily.

“Forget your Past and Live in the Present”

Let’s say you are 40 years old and haven’t accomplished anything to this second. You haven’t used any opportunities which life has given to you. But at this moment, whatever you are doing, you can change yourself and start your life as a new seed from this second. You need to take the first step for a Great and Life-Changing reason to change yourself forever. After a few years, you will be grateful for your life which gave you this life-changing moment that trades your life from worst to best moments. In Simple words, you have to start everything from Zero to become the best version of yourself.

Things To Remember After Resetting Your Life

  1. Give yourself some time to digest everything after starting a new journey.
  2. Do not overthink your past if it reminds you of your regrets.
  3. Do not center on those people who remind you of your past.
  4. Learn every day to see change on a day-by-day premise.
  5. Tell yourself that you have changed yourself. You might think you haven’t made any change in life, but believe in yourself and strive for the best life you want.


The purpose of Life is Important in everyone’s life, and with no purpose in life, you are just a dead person walking in a world like so many people. The person with no Purpose spends their whole life in futile. Therefore, having something to which you can devote yourself is just amazing. When you have Goals, you have the direction to walk you learn new things in your adventure. In the beginning, everything seems so overwhelming, but with time and patience, the small broken pieces of the puzzle start to fuse. Every day feels good because you are learning and growing from your mistakes. When you don’t have Goals, your life feels so mundane(lacking excitement). But when you have Goals, and your goals are in Motion, you are thinking more, dreaming big, and learning more on your Journey from the mistakes you make alongside.

These Are the Questions You Should Ask Yourself About Your Goals

  1. Have you ever had goals in your life?
  2. If Not, then what were you doing until this point?
  3. Would you like to have any Goals in your life?
  4. How sad and miserable do you feel right now for not having any Goals?

Finding Your Goal

  1. What do you love or like to spend your time on?
  2. Is there something you can do without getting unfocused, uninterested, and spending Infinite hours?
  3. How do you see your goals growing in the future?
  4. Will your goal offer any value to others?
  5. Do you have the resources to attain your goals, or are you able to create resources to help your Goals?
  6. Will you spend Time and Energy on your goals and desires? For example, if your goal is to become a Millionaire, are you willing to put in the Quality of time and energy it’d take to become the Millionaire? or are you just dreaming big and thinking about doing nothing?
  7. After answering the questions, you should have a picture of your goals in your mind.

Everyone has Dreams and Objectives, but they do not realize them deeply. Time is the most valuable thing in the world, and everybody has the same 24 hours in this world, starting from the world’s Wealthiest individual to the Poorest individual. Elon Musk has 24 Hours in his life, and you and I have the same 24 Hours, but why are we not Wealthy like Elon Musk? Since Elon has made use of his time to his advantage. Suppose you want to become the Richest person with a net worth of 200 Billion Dollars, and you can become one after utilizing your time with dedication and hard work, and you can have your name on the Next Forbes billionaires list.

What Are the Requirements To Achieve Anything

  1. Your own Will and Dedication.
  2. Hard Work and Smart Work.
  3. Your Love for the Process.
  4. Use your Quality Time with Patience for your Goals.

Simplifying Your Goals

  1. To discover your Goals grab your pen and paper to write down your goals and create the categories of your Goals into subcategories the way you may understand and spot your Goals as an individual. Doing this will not make your Goals overwhelming and complicated.
  2. Turning your subcategories into small steps will help you to understand your goals more deeply.
  3. Compose the benefits and downsides of your objectives on a new page which will give you the bigger picture of your Goals. Doing this will let you know the importance of your Goals.
  4. Make three categories for your goals:
  5. Highest Category Goals: Highest category Goals are your top Priorities Goals because they have the most potential these goals can turn your life upside down forever.
  6. Average Category Goals: Average category Goals should have your average attention because they also have the potential to change your life, but not as much as Highest Priorities Goals. Think of these Goals as a side hustle.
  7. Lowest Category Goals: Lowest category Goals aren’t that significant due to the reality they do not make any great changes to your way of life. So, you’re better off overlooking them because they waste your time, and you don’t want to waste your present. If you think any of these Goals will help you in the future, then change the category of your goals.


Therefore, after reading this much, you should know the value of your time, goals, and life. Everyone has to die one day, and we are not coming back from death. We should live our life to the fullest in all forms because who knows what will happen after 1 minute, 1 hour, or 24 hours. Live to the fullest and don’t have any regrets.

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