“Introverts Are So Mysterious”

Life of an Introvert in an Extraverted Society

Shareen Aqueel
3 min readDec 11, 2023


Yes, Introverts are mysterious, at least from the outside — and people love that about them, but is it really that wonderful? Being all quiet and Mysterious?

I know being an introvert is amazing. We introverts love, love, love being alone, having our me-time, and just chilling with ourselves. Honestly, I feel like me-time for introverts is just as momentous for them as breathing. It’s the reason we survive. You can literally say our me-time is our first love, and if not given enough, we turn into The Grinch. For real.

At times though, I feel like being an introvert isn’t all that great. I don’t know about you guys, but it sometimes feels like I’m trapped. I don’t want to feel that way, but sometimes I just…do, and I’m pretty sure the rest of the introverts do, too. It’s just that not everyone is brave enough to accept it. If I’m being honest, this is my first time being honest about it, too, and accepting something for the first time in front of the whole world is a big step, you guys. It takes a lot of potential, and I’m proud of that. Being proud of being an Introvert, though? I’m not so sure.

Putting aside all the “Introverts’ mysterious vibe is so attractive”, I don’t get why people, especially Extraverts love being all mysterious. I’ve seen people in my friend circle saying, “I try so hard to seem all dark and mysterious, but my extroverted personality eventually comes out.” And? I don’t get it. Is that not a good thing? I mean, there’s absolutely no hate toward being an introvert (Why would there be, anyway? It’s not like we introverts can do anything about being ourselves.), but c’mon, don’t pretend like you hate being a loud and extroverted person. Someone who can go anywhere, talk to anyone, joke around with a complete stranger, make friends in five minutes, put your opinions out there without overthinking, and still not feel awkward.

For introverts, it’s not like that. Not at all like that. Being an introvert means so much more than looking attractive. It means feeling anxious in a new place, around new people. It means contemplating if we should make small talk and wondering how are we ever going to make friends. It means feeling like our opinion doesn’t matter. It means dreaming about being an extrovert sometimes. I don’t want to drag anyone with me, but I know for sure, that every Introvert in this world has had, at least once, this wish that they were an extrovert too. I am sure extroverts have their own challenges and difficulties, but from our point of view, an Extrovert’s life is way easier than someone who has an Introverted personality — and that doesn’t at all mean that there is self-hate in Introverts, it’s just a thought process. A kind of a baseless desire.

Like I said before, being an introvert is amazing. It has its own perks, but let’s be real, there’s nothing a human wants more than being what they aren’t.

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Shareen Aqueel

Avid reader with a knack for writing about food, books, movies & traveling.