Introverts Should Love The Way They Are

6 ways to love yourself as an introvert

Suraj Panigrahy
5 min readSep 29, 2020


Introverts are undeniably unique people — and that they also are undeniably difficult to know. Some introverts are susceptible to self-deprecation, and that they are often hard on themselves. We discover ourselves questioning our own perception of ourselves — which may take us down a rabbit burrow of negative thinking. What introverts need may be a reminder to like and look after themselves — and tips for a way best to try to to it supported their personality type.

Luckily for introverts, one among our strengths is that we are good at making ourselves happy — if we take the time to! We do not depend upon people to bring us joy; we can find joy within ourselves and within the little things around us. Here are some ways introverts can work to love themselves more.

1. Take time for yourself.

Alone time is precious to introverts. Because being alone allows us to recharge our batteries, and as a result, It then allows us to be our greatest selves once those “batteries” are charged. The simplest thanks to loving yourself more is to be your best self, Which may only happen for introverts once they take time for themselves.

“In a relationship, one among the most ways to point out love is to offer them some time,” says Redditor user technicolor camera. “That time that you could have for yourself is now spent there upon person. You’ll sacrifice some time and schedule to try to things with them. If you were during a relationship, You’d want to respect the opposite person’s time or want them to respect yours, wouldn’t you? Within the same way, to like yourself, give yourself your own time. It means loving and respecting yourself enough to require some time seriously. Don’t waste some time away or provide it to a different. Use it to try to the items you would like, to try to the items that interest you.”

2. Instead of criticizing yourself for mistakes, find the lesson.

It’s easy to beat yourself up over what you could’ve or should’ve wiped out a situation. Introverts are notorious overthinkers, and that we research something for the purpose of exhaustion. Rather than agonizing over your mistakes, Allow yourself to seek the lesson. Because we are great at analyzing the negative things, in theory, we should always even be good at analyzing the positives; we are just great at analyzing! So use those powers permanently, and hunt down the meaning behind the error. Take what you learned from things and apply those learnings to future experiences. Plan how you want to approach an identical situation if it occurs again. Contemplate how the error made you a far better person. Introverts will enjoy this by learning to like themselves more for his or her ability to recover and grow.

3. Accept yourself.

Accept yourself as who you are: An introvert who is special and important. “Equanimity is that the name of the sport, which helps us to find out things as they really are,” says Reddit user el_drum. Introverts blow things out of proportion, which suggests we exaggerate the meaning of excellent things that we would like or bad things we are averse to.

“When we will get out of this and find out that things good are really not such an enormous deal, and our own happiness comes from within ourselves, Then it gets much easier to like ourselves and thus be happier and love others. Once we do that, we take greater joy in taking steps to raise ourselves, be healthier, happier, kinder. We should always try our greatest, But we should always not be hard on ourselves if we expect we’ve ‘fallen short’ of anything. We must praise ourselves for trying and keep going. You’ll say it boils right down to building a deeply felt sense that ‘I am enough.’”

4. Practice self-care.

Introverts benefit from practicing self-care. There are so much better thanks to show yourself love than to concentrate on your needs and have a tendency to them. Being in tune with emotions — both our own and therefore the emotions of others — is one among the best strengths we’ve as introverts.
“Pick any small new habit that you think you’ll genuinely continue that you concede to be something nice for yourself,” says Reddit user tattsncurls. “Examples would drink a particular amount of water every day, giving yourself time to read each day/week, happening a walk or any workout, doing all of your nails, stepping into a skincare routine, taking a category, having time to nerd out over something you’re keen on, getting your favorite quite tea or coffee, saying no to someone, or deciding an evening that you will stay in rather than leave… the higher you are feeling and more confidence you gain in your own self-care practices, the better and more natural it’ll become to tackle bigger, harder problems.”

5. Surround yourself with positive people.

I know introverts for having a smaller, more intimate circle of close friends they will believe instead of a bigger group of acquaintances. We frequently develop relationships with extroverts, Because they’re excellent at pulling us out of our shells and persuading us to interact in activities they do not have otherwise. Introverts are ready to feed off an extrovert’s energy, while still having the ability to retreat into ourselves once we got to. The key here is to foster relationships with those that understand your personality type and who are positive, uplifting. While most introverts don’t need validation from others, it’s still important that the people we spend our precious time with being encouraging. They ought to love us the way we are working to like ourselves.

6. Do something every day that creates you are feeling accomplished.

For an introvert, there is no better thanks to love yourself than to desire you’re a lively participant in your own happiness. Whether it’s surpassing a goal in your fitness routine that you’ve got set for yourself or just making it bent a gathering with an outsized group of individuals without bailing eleventh hour, doing something that reflects your own personal growth are often beneficial to an introvert’s self-worth and happiness. Exit of your comfort zone and permit yourself to be proud once you do. Set small, realistic goals. Surprise yourself with what you’ll do and reward your efforts, because you deserve it.



Suraj Panigrahy

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