iPhone 14 Pro Max Review: SHOULD YOU BUY IT?

Rubix King
Published in
4 min readNov 2, 2022
Photo by Thai Nguyen on Unsplash


The iPhone 14 Pro Max is a great phone, but it comes with a bunch of questions. What does Pro even mean? How does the camera compare to previous models? What about the battery? Should you upgrade if you already have an iPhone 13 Pro Max? Is this the right phone for you? Read on for my full review!

The iPhone 14 Pro Max Is A Great Phone, But It Comes With A Bunch Of Questions.

The iPhone 14 Pro Max is a great phone, but it comes with a bunch of questions.

It’s the best iPhone ever made, and it has some drawbacks. In this review, we’ll answer all those questions.

What does Pro even mean?

The pro in the iPhone stands for “Professional.” The “pro” title implies that the new version is superior to the standard version. Still, it is less about having a gadget designed expressly for pros and more about using the mystique of the contemporary creative professional.

How does the camera compare to previous models?

The iPhone 14 Pro Max is the first to use a triple-lens camera system. It uses two cameras, one on each phone side and a third camera at the back for depth effect.

Combining these three lenses gives you excellent images that can be surreal when viewed through your display.

The main difference between this model and previous models is that there are now two cameras instead of one like in previous models (the 11 Pro Max). This means you get better zoom capabilities and wider aperture settings, allowing for better low-light photos without too much noise or graininess when shooting indoors or outdoors during bright sunlight conditions.

What about the battery?

You may have heard that the battery life on the iPhone 14 Pro Max is good. It’s true, but there are some caveats:

  • The phone charges quickly, so you can get through a full day without needing to charge it overnight.
  • You can use wireless charging if you want to save on cable clutter and keep your cords organized.
  • The solar panel will work for charging your phone even when you’re not near a plug or outlet — it’s just another way to go green!

Should you upgrade if you already have an iPhone 13 Pro Max?

If you have an iPhone 13 Pro Max, it’s time to upgrade. The new features are worth it, but you’ll still get the same great performance and camera quality as your old phone.

If you have an iPhone 11 Pro Max and don’t care about those missing features (and who does?), stick with what works. Your phone will work just fine as is until Apple introduces newer models in 2020 or 2021 — and if they don’t improve upon the current design of their phones, they could easily stay at this level forever.

If you ever owned an iPhone 12 Pro Max before upgrading back in 2017 — or even earlier than that! — then there’s no reason not to go ahead with a new upgrade today. You’ve got plenty of time behind those two generations before anything changes again anyway; plus, they both come out every year on average, so there’s always something new coming soon enough!

Is this the right phone for you?

The iPhone 14 Pro Max is a great phone. It has a great camera and is big enough to fit your face on its screen. If you’re looking for an upgrade from an iPhone 13 Pro Max, this is definitely the right choice for you.

This might be the best iPhone ever made, but it has some drawbacks.

The iPhone 14 Pro Max is a phone with a lot of great features, but it does have some drawbacks.

  • The camera is amazing and can take some great pictures.
  • The battery life is impressive for an iPhone, but it’s not waterproof or as fast as other phones on the market.


So which iPhone should you get? It all depends on what you need. If you’re a light user, the iPhone 13 Pro Max is a great choice — it has all the features that most people would want in a phone. However, if you want more power or better cameras, we recommend going with either the iPhone 14 or iPhone 14 Max (or even both). They offer even more powerful processors and advanced cameras that can take breathtaking images like never before! I made a video about it on my YouTube channel. Check it out HERE and subscribe.



Rubix King

I write about Nintendo and the Nintendo Switch. Subscribe to my channel: shorturl.at/kzGRT