A Single Email List Can Make you a Millionaire — Know How?

Arnav Says
Published in
3 min readAug 22, 2022
Photo by Mikhail Nilov, at Pexels

Wanted to become a millionaire, but you are not able to figure out how to achieve this in your life, then you need to learn this one thing right now!

If you think it’s tough, no it's not! It just requires a clear mindset to achieve those numbers. If you think it’s difficult, think of it in this way -

You just need to do this one thing — Sell a 1$ product or service to 1 million people and you are done.

Now, if you want to become a billionaire- Sell 1$ product to a Billion people, and you are done.

If you don’t have a product, no worries there are affiliate programs that give 100$ or more for just one conversion. But affiliate marketing is not the topic we are discussing today. We will take this in another article.

I have given you this example to make you realize that, you can easily make a million or a billion dollars if you have an audience that you can convert into sales.

It's simple math. If you increase the product's price, the audience required to achieve the desired goal will decrease.

Now, the mind would say, this is very difficult to achieve, but I am telling you it's not. In today's world with such great opportunities to promote, you can approach this much audience easily.

Think of it this way, If you are invested to achieve this audience for even 1 year or 2 years what's the problem? After 1–2 years of investing time, it will give you a return throughout your life. A job can not do this in just 1–2 years!

So, what is the best way to bind an audience and convert best into sales? Is it social media, Blogging, or Email Marketing? What do the stats say about it?

The one-word answer to this is “EMAIL MARKETING

For almost ten years in a row, email marketing has been giving the highest ROI among all the other methods of promotion. It is measured that it gives 38$ in return at the spent of 1$. When you compare it with ad networks such as google ads, it only gives 2$ of return on 1$ spent.

Now you got what is the power of email marketing.

So if you just invest your 1–2 years of time in just making an Email list then the results will definitely blow your mind.


This time also includes converting the cold audience into the hot audience. Now, in the language of digital marketing, the cold audience is the audience that came to know about your service or product recently. Converting the cold audience into a hot audience is the most important aspect to bring sales.

The hot audience is the audience that believes in you and your product. How you can create this belief?

1. By giving some free value to your subscribers.

2. Adding something in their life that would be helpful to them.

3. Helping your audience by giving suggestions.

How I am eligible to tell you all this?

I have been in digital marketing for years and learned it by heart. Not only this, I have also helped many artists and creators to reach their audience and in the end, get their desired earnings in return.

If you like this type of informative content then do follow me and subscribe to my mail list on medium, so that you do not miss any updates.



Arnav Says

I am a Motivational Story Writer. Through Medium I am sharing stories that motivates me and will also motivate you. These stories will give you life long wisdom