Is Gratitude The Key To Happiness?

Alex Matthews
Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2023
A woman smiling and wearing a jean jacket with her arms spread wide and eyes closed.
Photo by Fernando Brasil on Unsplash

I’ve become 2x as happy with 1 mindset change.

And I used to SUCK at being happy…

Until I discovered this one thing that happy people are doing (that you’re probably not).

If you want to improve your happiness, here’s the inside scoop.

The Power of Gratitude

Most people don’t think before they complain. Then they end up complaining that they’re unhappy. But the happiest people?

They spend 30 seconds thinking instead of complaining. There are 3 simple ways to reframe your thinking to become happier — more on that later.

In the meantime, here’s a quick 3-minute story about a moment that made me become grateful.

A Moment With Brian

I work a 9–5, and during one of my days at the office, I met Brian.

Now to set the stage… I commute 1h15 hour each way to get to and from work. Having worked remotely before, I’m not thrilled about the shift to the office.

It was during one of those days at the office that I bumped into Brian. Or rather, he bumped into me.

He overheard me on the phone and decided to say hi since I was talking about something that he had worked on. It turns out that Brian had quite an interesting story.

His father, a software engineer (more on that in a second), had encouraged Brian to choose a career that he enjoys.

And for Brian, this meant being outside and working with his hands. But… after 10 years in the field, it was beginning to take its toll on his body.

And that’s when he decided to learn new skills and become a developer himself. He was so happy! As we spoke, I learned that he drove 1h30 to and from the office. And he couldn’t be happier. He was grateful to get away from the physical labor and to have a career with infinite potential.

It was at that moment that I began to reevaluate my thinking. Did the 1h15 commute suck? Yeah, some days. Could I still appreciate what I have? Yes! You can be grateful for what you have without being complacent.

I asked myself many questions after this meeting. The 3 that had the most impact were…

1. What Am I Grateful For?

Sounds silly?

You’d be surprised by how many people have no idea about gratitude.

Now I:

  • Look for the good things
  • Write them down
  • Repeat this daily

The secret to becoming happy is to enjoy our daily lives. To enjoy the small things in life.

2. What Is Enough?

You’ll never stop chasing money if you’re not content.

Knowing when to stop is a skill.

Save yourself a life of stress & ask:

  1. How much do you want to spend a year?
  2. Multiply x25 to get your “enough”
  3. Work backwards to create actionable steps to reach that amount.

3. What Can I Do To Improve My Situation?

Always aim to take action instead of complaining.

  • Write your first 5,000 words online
  • Reach out to 100 potential clients
  • Have 5 sales calls
  • Close 1 client

Your concerns will melt away when you begin to act.

Putting It All Together

Gratitude can change your life. According to Forbes, gratitude:

  • Increases empathy
  • Improves your sleep
  • Reduces aggression
  • Improves self-esteem
  • Opens the door to relationships

And most importantly it improves your happiness.

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Alex Matthews

I reverse engineer how knowledge entrepreneurs grew their business to $25k+/mo | Writing about leadership, self-improvement, and copywriting.