Is Happiness Necessary? Part III

Annelise Lords
Published in
4 min readJun 15, 2024


Happiness means different things to each human and does improve our lives.

Image by Annelise Lords

Inspired by: Are We Meant To Be Happy by younghock2

19). Why nice men don’t get appreciated by women? younghock2

Culture, upbringing, experience, and mindset play a role in that happening. In my culture, the nice guys are taken advantage of and used. I think the females who do this, don’t know what love and kindness are. These guys just need to find a female who knows love and kindness and it’s value.

20). Why do men fail to protect women by becoming abusive? younghock2

Science believes that abuse is a learned behavior and most males were abused themselves. Their upbringing and culture play a role in the abuse too. Their mindset, ego, need, and want to control contribute sometimes to the abuse too.

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I too have been searching for this answer. I teach sex education to my children early. My sons are asthmatic and my husband…

