Is Hating Democrats A Worthy Passion?

He seems to think so

Floyd Mori


Photo by Nick Romanov on Unsplash

This is a young man who follows Trump

A person I know who shall remain nameless seems to think that hating Democrats is a worthy passion and pastime for him. He regularly posts or comments on Facebook about how bad ALL Democrats are. He was a conservative Republican before Trump came on the scene, and he has since become a devoted Trump fan.

This person has little in common with Trump, and yet he follows him religiously. He thinks of Trump as “His President” and says he will not accept Joe Biden as the current President of the United States.

Trump is a billionaire who is old. This person is middle class and young. It does not appear that Trump has ever been a religious person which this man professes to be. Trump has been married three times to immigrant woman from the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. This person has been married once and regularly says things against immigrants. That part may be similar since Trump speaks against immigrants from the southern border.

There are many people who are exactly like this person. They do not seem to have much in common with Trump, but they continue to support him and his false claims. They don’t care about any of the lying or cheating that Trump has done. His lies have been documented, but they think…



Floyd Mori

Floyd Mori, born in Utah, is a former College Teacher, Mayor, CA State Assemblyman, Consultant, and CEO for Nonprofits.