Help! My Stats Are Broken, and I Can’t Get them Up!

Is It Me or Is It Medium?

Motivation or vanity metrics?

Kimberlee Jakobe
Published in
2 min readMay 2, 2022


created in Canva by the author, Kimberlee

I hit “1K” views in one day last week, and the very next day, my stats completely bottomed out. I’m still getting notifications of comments, claps, and highlights, but without “accurate” stats, I’m struggling to know how things are going without the analytics.

created in Canva by the author, Kimberlee

Many folks write about how we shouldn’t check our stats so much, and I agree to a certain level, but I’m not sure I’m a good judge of how well I’m doing without the stats.

Vanity metrics make you look good to others but do little to measure or understand your performance correctly? Or is it validation for understanding what you’re doing? And analytical data to aid the writer in knowing what’s working well, what’s not, and where to put your focus?

Steps I took to fix the problem:

  • Removed all Chrome extensions
  • Cleared my cookies
  • Verified from different devices, different browsers, different wifi
  • I made a pinata in the shape of my monitor, hot…

