Is it Obsolete to Learn Coding in 2023?

Twist your learning plan to adapt to the trend!

Lucia Pan
Published in
6 min readMar 26, 2023


I began learning coding in the Autumn of 2022. Since then, new AI tools like ChatGPT emerged, which outperforms my abilities as a new programmer :( . Together with the surge of big tech layoffs, it raises this question — —

Is learning to code still valuable in 2023, or is it outdated? If you have these thoughts, I’m here with you! The brief answer is that it is still very valuable, but we must adapt our learning methods and career expectations to keep pace with the rapidly evolving tech industry for maximum effectiveness.

This article covers:

I. Coding adds value in many perspectives.

II. It become easier and affordable to learn.

III. Twist your learning/expectations to adapt to the trend.

Photo by Alexander Sinn on Unsplash

First I will talk about why we should learn about code: with technology, it becomes easier and more powerful.

I. It is adding value in many ways:

Gone are the days when coding was reserved for a selected few individuals who were seen as “nerds” or “geeks.” Today, coding has become an integral part of almost every industry. From healthcare to finance to marketing, coding has revolutionized the way we work and interact with each other. Even understanding some codes can help you advance your career.

Even if you are a professional in other fields, don’t shy away from opportunities in the intersection field.

At the same time — —

We can Leverage the Power of Codes:

The ability to write code is like having a secret superpower that allows you to automate tasks, analyze data, simplify problems with a coding approach, and create personal projects and innovative solutions that can make your life more efficient.

Coding skills can be applied to personal projects, such as building websites or apps for personal use or creating projects for fun and experimentation.

Not Just a Skill, But a Hobby to many Open Doors:

Coding is not just a practical skill — it can also be a fun and engaging hobby. It allows you to think logically, bring your ideas to life, and challenge yourself in new and exciting ways.

By learning to code, you will get more scientific thinking practice and discover your passion for tech and science. Coding involves breaking down complex problems into smaller parts and creating creative solutions to solve them. This helps develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that can be applied in many areas of life.

Photo by Roman Synkevych 🇺🇦 on Unsplash

II. It is Easier to Obtain:

Even before the GPT, coding is becoming easier and easier to learn with technological advances: In one aspect, there are countless online resources available for beginners, including interactive coding tutorials, video courses, and online communities. You can always search for help on Google. We have more user-friendly programming languages, for example, Python, which has also made coding more approachable for people with no prior experience.

Nowadays, the GPT models help us write code blocks, debug, explain, and make study plans, making the learning process even more manageable.

Check on this article:

It is also almost FREE to Obtain:

There are several examples of online platforms that offer coding education for free or at a low cost:

One of the most popular platforms is Codecademy, which offers interactive coding lessons in various programming languages, including Python, Java, and HTML/CSS. Another one is FreeCodeCamp, which provides a comprehensive curriculum for web development and offers coding challenges and projects to practice new skills.

Additionally, YouTube is an excellent resource for finding coding tutorials and walkthroughs, with many content creators sharing their expertise in various programming languages. You can also buy low-cost coding courses on Udemy, Coursera, Edx, etc., to learn to code systematically.

I also wrote an article about the tools to learn to code online:

So coding is still helpful and powerful, but at the same time, it is not a rare skill for few people, like “good old days” so…

III. You may need to twist it…

“Sole coders” and junior developer jobs will be reduced soon:

Apart from the various strengths of learning to code, I admit that the job market may shrink for “solely coders.” The tools such as ChatGPT and OpenAI Codex show the trends of reducing demand for junior programmers in the near future, let’s suggest 2–5 years.

Instead you can—

View coding as part of your skills (rather than the sole skill):

It is better to make coding one of the tools in a toolbox. As we said, it will not be a rare and expensive skill to acquire. (even software writes code blocks :( ).

But it is still valuable, the better way is the group with your other skills: you can have a deeper understanding of the product, the industry, marketing, good collaboration and teamwork skills, and human skills.

Even if you are in a different industry, it does not hurt to know some coding principles so that you can understand the tech and your industry changes better.

Photo by Minh Pham on Unsplash

Focus on the “big picture” in learning coding:

Thanks to the fact that AI can write blocks of code for us; it removes the tedious work and saves a ton of time.

If you just started learning, it is not necessary develop very strong skill in writing lines of code and debugging. But instead, you can contribute more time focusing on the framework and good programming principles; focus more on “why” than “what” , and have an end in mind and a clear purpose while learning.

We will also have more time to discover market trends, functionality of the products we build, and new tools boosting productivity, etc.

“Make Friend” with AI:

Personally, I am not a big fan of AI (which feels a little bit…dangerous?). It is very powerful but is growing too fast, and I was worried about the regulations and rapid changes it causes to the society.

But at the same time, it is so efficient that we need to keep an eye on it, learn about the trend, make it our productivity tool and remove redundant work. (Or to say, get to the right side of history and not left behind? ).

ChatGPT is an ideal tool for individuals who are new to coding and wish to learn, as it eradicates the necessity to memorize syntax and structures. Furthermore, it is equally beneficial for proficient programmers who desire to enhance their productivity.

You can test AI tools more and get the best use of them, even check on some blog posts, videos and courses to learn the tools better.

Constant Learning:

It’s essential to understand that constant learning is vital in the tech industry. Technology constantly evolves, and new programming languages, frameworks, and tools are constantly emerging.

If you want to stay on top of your game and remain competitive in the job market, you must keep learning and upgrading your skills. Keep up with the latest trends and innovations, and adapt to changes in the industry.

(Also, if you’re from another country, for example, myself. I can see the technology development and applications are totally different in the short term, while it will converge in long-term. So, learn about both local and international trends to secure a smooth path for our career.)

In the end, if you are not interested in tech…

Coding is good, not essential. Some may argue that the demand for programmers and developers is limited to specific industries. If someone is not interested in pursuing a career in these fields, there may not be a lot of value in learning to code.

It is totally fine if you choose different career path. Maybe, also pay some attention to the tech trend and artificial intelligence to keep the top of the game.

In conclusion, programming is always a good skill to open many doors and leverage the power, and is getting easier and easier to obtain. However, the career for new developers is likely to shrink and vary as time passes, so that comprehensive skills and constant learning are needed to build a robust career path.



Lucia Pan

Life-long learner / journey to ideal life -- Freelancing, Productivity and Lifestyle. You can work with me here: