Is it really good to find happiness in small things

Kavya Thakur
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2024
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

You can find happiness in small things because they make you happy, or because you’ve never been treated well, so every little thing someone does makes you happy.

I was the second type of person; my parents never actually loved me, so whenever someone did something little good to me, I used to feel blessed. One day I didn’t have any rubber bands, so I told that to my dad. He brought me some rubber bands and told me you should share problems with him, and I’m telling you, I was happy for days after listening to that because he never talked to me so nicely.

I was raised in a toxic environment, which influenced my relationships with others. Even when someone did nothing, I used to believe he or she was the best person on the planet. In my last relationship, the guy told me how happy, lucky, and grateful he is to be with me, and I thought I had the best partner and was so lucky, and then he cheated on me, but as soon as he told me how sorry he is, I thought it was fine; at least he felt sad, and I was happy with that.

I told you about two situations where I have glorified the bare minimum, and I learned two different things in both situations.

  1. My father handed me rubber bands and told me that I should tell him about my problem. I know he literally meant nothing by that because when I told him about my problem, he yelled at me, but the whole situation taught me how a small gesture can make you happy and your words can brighten someone’s day, and I learned that I should be kind to people because I never know what they are going through in their lives, and maybe my small compliment or caring gesture towards them can make them feel better.
  2. The other instance taught me not to be so blinded by someone’s words that I ignore their actions. That is why it is important to assess people according to their behavior rather than their words. Not everyone thinks of you as they claim, so not everyone deserves you or be with you. Even his comments made me joyful, and while I was happy in small ways, do I really believe it was it was worth it ? Of course not, since maybe his words made me happy, but his actions made me feel disrespected, and one thing I know is that I don’t want to settle for the bare minimum because, no matter how people treated me, I treated myself with respect, decency, and lots of happiness.

• So the question arises. Is there any positive aspect to finding happiness in small things?

I would say yes, there is, because if there weren’t any reason, I don’t think I would actually have survived these many years living every minute with my family.

When I had no one to tell my problems to, I realized that there was one person, which was me myself. I used to assure myself that even when nobody loves you, I’m here with you, supporting you and loving you unconditionally, whereas I believed God is there for me always, making me stronger, and one day my day will come, and I find happiness thinking that.

Finding happiness in small things allows you to overcome harsh situations and makes you strong. You begin to perceive the world differently. Even when something does not go your way, you know you learned something from it, and you understand that everything happens for a reason. You stop comparing yourself to others because you know you’re working to be better every day, and the only person you need to be better is from your yesterday self. Soon, you realize that maybe life was never so difficult; it was simply our perspective that made it difficult because, in the end, we get through every problem, no matter how difficult it was.





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Kavya Thakur
Kavya Thakur

Written by Kavya Thakur

Hey, I'm here to share my experience and making people feel better by telling them they are not alone