Is Medium a Danger for Giving Unqualified People a Platform to Speak?

A reaction to a response I got here on Medium

Alen M. Vukelić


Photo by Katrin Hauf on Unsplash

“This is the danger of giving unqualified people a platform [Medium] to say whatever they want, about whatever they want.”

When this response appeared under one of my articles, I couldn’t but wonder why some people fear reading about different viewpoints on a particular subject? They fear it to such an extent that they wish the article or writer were prohibited from talking about it. A stance like that can’t but make me think about totalitarian regimes where one may end up in solitary confinement for life for saying something that doesn’t align with the rulers’ “guidelines”.

To punish people for not reflecting someone’s particular belief system is what differentiates developed from undeveloped countries. If you look at the democracy index, you will see that there is a high correlation between wealth and democracy. Meaning that the better the democracy standards are, the better the overall prosperity of a country is. Especially fascinating when you look at countries that haven’t made their fortunes from natural resources, but mostly through the inventiveness of their citizens.



Alen M. Vukelić

I write about the resistance to change, the unwillingness to take risks, and paralysis of indecision — only the good stuff.