Is routine life bad? (Real vs Reel)

Jahnvi Malik
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2023

Something that is challenging yet simple to overcome for me is the stillness of life. I’m still trying to get used to a life without dynamics. Being a really impulsive and restless person it’s hard to be still, to be okay in nothingness. This is an issue of today’s generation. It’s hard to live a life that is not so-called “happening”.

Social media has created a spur in everyone’s life. You can not sit at home and feel okay after watching “party” stories of people on Instagram. There’s always a feeling of missing out on life, feeling discontent in your life. Well, the truth is nobody is saved from this- even the people whose stories might make you feel desirous, they are chasing someone else’s life. The unsatisfying feelings reside in their lives too. Is there anyone who is content in life? Yes. Does contentment come from clubbing/partying/travelling? Certainly not.

Photo by Redd F on Unsplash

When you find yourself going out excessively, hanging out with different people, wearing good clothes, and getting drunk, you live in the oblivion that this is the way to a happy life, and ultimately your bubble bursts when there is an awful hollowness surrounding you. You lose yourself trying to live an Instagram-worthy life and wonder about the pall of sadness descending on your life. It’s nothing but the constant disconnect within yourself for a long time that gives you an uncanny feeling.

So, does that mean partying is bad/wrong? Well, no it isn’t but our approach to it could be. Who are genuinely happy people in life and what is the idea of happiness? I would rephrase this question to “Who is genuinely leading a content life and what is contentment?” Because happiness is a temporary state or feeling that can be induced through anything. Contentment on the other hand is a long-term state that requires continued inner work.

When you sit with yourself and observe life, you notice the materialistic pleasures passing gradually, while you are left with substances of value that give meaning to your life. It could be love, hard work, discipline, routine, friendship, diet, and above all spirituality.

I’m not against materialism but one finds itself chasing it in lieu of their true needs. For example, we think it is going out that will make our life better or getting into a relationship but it’s often the need for self-love or better relations in life. And when these needs aren’t met they are mistaken for materialistic pleasures. After all the true foundation of human beings will always be connection and when we feel disconnected within ourselves or from our loved ones we suppress our emotions by chasing muck.

By instilling peace within yourself and finding contentment in life, you can enjoy the materialistic life as well because now you know what holds value in your life and you don’t have to live a disguised life where you repress your inner needs. Your reason to go to parties is no longer the need for validation of a good life on social media but to have quality time with your loved ones.

The previous generations had it easier, they could spend time doing nothing and sit with a blank mind. In today’s world technology has made our lives so anxiety driven that it’s hard to go about a minute where you are not scrolling with your fingers or not fussing with your thoughts. Maybe we need to unlearn so many patterns only to learn how to sit still and be okay with it.

Life does not have to be a rush, somedays can be slow where you do nothing without feeling left out.



Jahnvi Malik

Hi, I’m new here. Through my writing, I aim at shifting perspective and generating better thoughts