Is Rumination A Form of Anxiety?

When your thoughts don’t have an Off button.

Jo Ann Harris, Writer of Daily Musings


Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Rumination occurs when you have constant, repetitive thoughts about situations, choices, people, and feelings from your past. It is thinking obsessively and usually happens when you are trying to sleep. You toss and turn and can’t ever relax because of this mental churning. You are trying to sleep but “you can’t shut your mind off.”

This can also happen during the day, as well.

I have been suffering from this lately but don’t know why. I usually fall asleep and stay asleep until the next morning. It could be being older and not knowing how much time I have left. There is so much to do.

Brooding rumination is one type and it covers perceived mistakes and negative aspects of self. To add to that it is wondering if what you are doing now is the correct thing to be doing since you don’t trust yourself to make good decisions. Rumination can convince a person that they are bad or that they should feel shame and guilt.

Rumination is a part of depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Because of past experiences with abusive situations, I suffer from this. It disturbs me and my relationships to the point that I don’t want to make anymore mistakes; therefore, it is difficult for me to make friends and keep them. I feel I have to be…



Jo Ann Harris, Writer of Daily Musings

Writing on Medium since 2018. Writer for Illumination. I write on a myriad of subjects with you in mind.