Is Sigma the new Alpha ? Yes or NO ?

So the other day when I posted a video and a friend commented Sigma is the new Alpha. It got me thinking about it. But is Sigma the new Alpha? Lets find that out.

Sohrab Khandelwal
5 min readApr 22, 2022


Photo by Nancy Stapler on Unsplash


So lets start with the basics, what is the Sigma? Sigma male is a slang term used in masculinist subcultures for a popular, successful, but highly independent and self-reliant man. Another term for a sigma male is a lone wolf.

Such people often break away from the usual herd mentality and do things differently. if you could remember the lines by Robert Frost -

“ Two roads diverged in a wood, and I —
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference …” ~ Robert Frost

These lines would pretty well define the Sigma male and a way of life that is challenging but which leads to results. Not all the people living in isolation are Sigma and neither are all people who are successful Sigma. Sigma is a mindset,that refuses to be affected by the public opinion.

While the Alpha is the quinessential leader in the heirarchy of things and is often the show runner. The Sigma is different in the sense that chooses to not be part of the show.

Both the Alpha and Sigma are considered capable, and have their own set of following with their attractive traits.

Photo by Sam Moqadam on Unsplash

Difference between Alpha and Sigma

There is a lot of literature roaming around the internet about alpha and sigma and there are a lot of videos on the same too. While most of the men have ususally wanted to be an Alpha male and be in a position where they are in control or are in charge of things. The society including women too revolve around the Alpha after all. Its observable in the schools , colleges, work places and every social gathering. The alphas are confident but thats, not all they are.

An alpha male is a man who takes charge, one who imposes his will on others, not the other way round. Other men want to be him, women want to be with him. An alpha male intimidates, he’s unquestionably in charge, no matter what the situation. An alpha male is loud, brash, doesn’t care what anybody else thinks.

I for one never resonated with this idea of being and in spite of having all the confidence in the world I never wanted to dominate my will over others. I was far more concerned with the things that I wanted to do. And over the years I came across several other people I have met in my life who don’t resonate with this too. They might be confident and know what they want and even get it but they don’t care about dominating somebody else.

They care about doing what they love to do in life. These are driven people who will find their way and create a path of their own if they have to.

Perhaps this thought brought out the idea of ‘Sigma’. A confident person who could hold on his own and had a view point different from others. There have been others like these people in the past.

Sigma is a personality archetype of a dominant introvert who is self-reliant and independent. Their power doesn’t come from a social hierarchy, it rather comes from their being. Sigma males or females value themselves and respect others. … Usually, extroverts strive to be alpha males or females as it fits their style.

Photo by Elia Pellegrini on Unsplash

The Fascination with Sigma

Have the sigma men and women come into being now ? thats not true. Sigma people have always been there, right from the beginning of civilisation. because if I look through the angle of the above definition then I find that all the view point

So if I using this definition and looked at the people in the past — Socrates, Buddha, Da Vinci , Tesla, etc etc etc many many people fit that definition of Sigma. These people made breakthroughs not because they wanted social dominance but because they were on the path of self actulaisation.

Perhaps that Sigma word didn’t exist then but the qualities and actions are not defined by words and in today’s world these people would have been called Sigma.

And as more and more people are coming into their own being and becoming more self aware, they are pulled towards something more deeper and more lasting than just social acceptance.

They are the ones who walk the road less traveled.

Photo by Marija Zaric on Unsplash

Is Sigma the new Alpha

The short answer is NO.

Sigma is never part of the heirarchy. They are the ones who break from the heirarchy and tend to become pioneers. They are the ones who break away from the norms. The confidence is utilised in honing the courage to walk away and make a new path.

If the Sigma becomes part of the heirarchy, he or she becomes an Alpha and no longer remains the Alpha.

The Alpha serves the purpose of being actively involved in social structure and will continue to hold sociala dominance and importance as long as the beta, the deltas the gammas and the omegas continue to exist.

The Sigma will continue to become more popular with those on the path of self actualisation.

A Self actualised human being is after all an attractive being.



Sohrab Khandelwal

A BAFTA Qualifying multiple award winner Filmmaker. I once used to be an engineer. I’m a Free Thinker who writes on philosophy, spirituality, and slice of life