Is Social Media Activism Pointless and Stupid?

Published in
4 min readOct 26, 2023


“I literally have 300 followers and people who look at my stories are already politically compatible with me. So posting something that we all agree on seems so useless”.

Image generated by the author on Midjourney

Do you find slacktivism useless and meaningless or do you think that sharing political posts or stories is a form of resistance?

There are so many reasons that people do not want to get political in social media but in this article, I’m going to focus on a group that thinks social media activism is pointless and superficial.

I'm seeing so many people choose to be silent on social media because they think sharing political posts is pointless. They either don't believe that retweeting might actually create an impact or they have a small amount of followers and they are not confident about their digital presence. Either way, a lot of people do not take any action when there is something catastrophic happening around them. We saw these patterns when the USA left Afghanistan. We saw it in Ukrainian resistance, the Jin Jiyan Azadi movement, the earthquakes that happened in the Middle East, the Israel-Palestine war… you can expand the list as much as you want.

Recently one of my friends told me

"I literally have 300 followers and people who look at my stories are…

