Is Social Media the Root Cause for Distraction?

How to overcome distractions for real.

Dr. Ming


Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

As a part-time content creator (Medium blogger, YouTuber, Instagrammer), creating content on these social media platforms is a crucial component of my daily life. After all, it is my business, my part-time job.

I often get judged and bashed for using my phone for too long or checking social media too often. To other generations, I look like a millennial who is addicted to her phone. To my peers, I appear as a distracted individual who struggles to “be present at the moment”.

Social media has such a bad reputation for causing distractions, especially among the youths. Articles accusing social media and the internet being the root cause of distractions, ironically, are trending online.

Are social media truly the root cause for distraction?

Can we attain concentration by simply cutting out the internet?

How can we overcome distractions for good?

What are Distractions?

Photo by Yasmina H on Unsplash

Distractions are caused by



Dr. Ming

Ph.D. — I write about education, health, productivity, mindset, & personal finance~ Lifestyle YouTuber @Ms. Ming Lifestyle