Is the Medium Community Really This Positive?

Tell me now

Dr. Tracy Davis


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

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Alright, I’ve officially been writing on Medium for a bit over a month.

And I have to admit that I am pleasantly surprised.

The people here are really nice.

Not like nice to just be nice. Like genuinely supportive and encouraging.

Claps are super fun. Comments are even better.

The writing community and publications have been so welcoming.

People post helpful advice and provide value and contributions to others’ articles.

We can write about anything we want — our lives, short stories, Medium goals and updates, personal development, and the list goes on.

Some people have niches, while others don’t, and it’s perfectly okay either way.

Am I still in the honeymoon phase or is this the Medium reality?



Dr. Tracy Davis

Doctorate in Educational Leadership Multipassionate, Energy Healing, Productivity, Travel, and Personal Development.