Is The Writing Platform Booksie A Scam?

Do not make my mistake!

Nathalie Saint-Clair


Photo by Elisa Ventur on Unsplash

Most writers on here are familiar with Vocal Media and Newsbreak and maybe a few other writing platforms outside of Medium, but I’ve never seen anyone mention a site called Booksie. Either because everyone is well aware that it doesn’t have much to offer or they’ve genuinely never heard of it. Well if you’ve never heard of Booksie now you have. You may still be curious and wondering but what do they have to offer. A nice healthy dose of Stress and Frustration that’s what.

I can blame good old Facebook for bringing this platform back into my life. I was already in the midst of going writing contest crazy, participating in both Vocal’s summer fiction series and Medium’s writing challenge, when yet another writing contest popped up for a site I was familiar with — Booksie.

What is Booksie?

Years ago, I used to publish my short stories and poems on Booksie with the sole purpose of getting feedback from other writers. This was back in ‘08 or ‘09, so before Vocal and Medium even existed. Booksie is just a space for writers to share their work, there is no monetization aspect. But I did notice they now charge a monthly fee to be a premium membership. From what I can gather premium membership is really only beneficial if you have Amazon books that they want…



Nathalie Saint-Clair

A teacher/writer who is finally getting her shit together & taking this writing thing seriously. Follow my journey to becoming a published author & other stuff!