Neha Verma
Published in
2 min readJul 31, 2024

Standing on different sides of the same line
That you kept drawing without asking me
Now that all your flowers have decayed at my house
Darling, I confess I could predict this ending
Because even the silence around us was singing a sad song

It started with fading smiles

Now all we do is lie, scream

Or leave our everything unsaid.

Embraces that felt warm have started feeling like chains,
Fingers that were known for their hold are trembling in pain.
Yet, we still stand here,
Because the familiarity of your face makes it hard to escape.

I guess this is how lovers feel when they lose their touch,
Because I can see you killing all my butterflies.
So, what’s the point of dancing on broken branch?
And sharing smiles that no longer mean anything,
Kissing each other before we leave.
The bridges that you have built are too big to fall,
And my faith in you is already gone.
I can’t dig any deeper I will lose my breath,
So, what’s the point of greetings and goodbyes?

I will just cut the line,
And maybe if someday we can meet,
And go to a place where we can breathe and interact with our heartbeats,
Talk about our lives and how did we first meet,
Sitting under the same banyan tree, and sharing all the candies in your bag that had turned sticky
from the heat.



Neha Verma

A dreamer, with an utopian soul yearning to find it's muse in literature and art. Also, a Content Writer on the side, cause art doesn't buy cocktails and wine.