Shes is a Neon, the first generation of artificial humans, courtesy of NEON.

Is this the future of human relationships?

Non-presential technologies are setting the path for the future.

Oliver Henares
Published in
6 min readSep 12, 2020


At this point, I don’t want to talk just another article about how the pandemic is propelling in months innovations and technologies that took years to implement in society. But, I don’t want to deny the world around us.

There is considerable debate in the world right now about returning to school, working home-office, and social gatherings. No matter how soft or hard are restrictions in your country. What is not asymmetrical is that fast-growing global technologies like zoom are here to stay.

This moment is just the tip of the iceberg.

We are all now in a new reality.

After months of running a global race to keep our economies alive, R & D investments are increasing, and new technologies are arising.

I read some time ago that every time that technology change, people’s behavior change accordingly.

In three months, we witnessed working situations that made us feel like the first money launched to space. To incorporate new ways of working to the global discourse of big tech players.

Since the first video call in 1970, technology has evolved in tools and speed to expand…



Oliver Henares

Born in Barcelona. I believe in content as a public service. I write about politics, the future, mental health, self-improvement, and what I learned in life.