Is This the Worst Couple Ever?

Three disgraceful acts in one day.

Delilah Brass
Published in
3 min readJun 16, 2021


This couple might just be the worst of the worst. They were caught red-handed on the cafe's CCTV, the woman can be easily seen helping herself to the staff's tip money from Carats Cafe Bar in Southwick, England. Leaving them disappointed. The owners of the cafe released this comment with the video.

“Carats would like to name and shame this family for not only taking all the money from our staff tip box along with not pay for their food. A valuable lesson learned by our wonderful staff, that there are some unpleasant people around…”

Not only did they steal the staff’s hard-earned tip money, but they also refused to pay for their food. After eating all of their fried breakfasts, they claimed that they had found hairs in their food.

How convenient it was that they both found hairs at the end of their meals.

They also stole £30 worth of drinks. When the staff were distracted, they went beside the counter and helped themselves to drinks. They also managed to steal ice creams for the children. Yes, the pair did all of this in the company of…



Delilah Brass

“Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” — Winston Churchill