Is walking away easy?
Is it, really?

Wille Frost
Published in
Oct 11, 2023
Photo by kwan fung on Unsplash

Walking away from the scene,
while trying to push away
the heaviness of the bonds.
Weight of yesterday’s kindness.
Shadows of past moments.
Breaking out from the chains of obligations,
moments of heartache and sorrow.
Fighting the fear of tomorrow,
while worrying about being isolated,
yet again.

Does the anguish seem easy?

Walking away,
Is walking into a storm of
overthinking the situation,
replaying the scene — a thousand times,
contemplating alternative ways,
and destroying the peace of the night.

Does the aftermath seem easy?

Yet, Walking away means
learning to prioritize and find peace,
While moving a step closer to oneself.

Walking away is anything but easy.



Wille Frost

Embracing realism, entering the third decade alone. Observing World-untouched by love's hues. Motto: live, let live. Creating words aiming to touch the readers.