Is Writing Your Destiny?

These “Weird” Traits Might Mean You’re a Writing Prodigy

Ryan Mitchell ℝℳ★
3 min readApr 7, 2024


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Image created on AI

“Writers live twice.” — Stanislaw Lec

Have you ever felt that you have a lot to say — the untold stories inside you, the unique perspective with which you see the world, and your own world you live in?

We all have unspoken words and unheard whispers buried deep inside us.

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” — Maya Angelou

I think if there is a burden of words in everyone’s heart — they just want them to come out.

The best way to say everything without saying anything is to bring those words under your pen or maybe under the unstoppable taps on your keyboard.

“Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.”

Some people choose to be a writer, but some are chosen to be a writer. Those, who are chosen, should choose to make writing their living.

Many writers start by simply wanting to tell their own stories.

This is how I became a writer. Let me tell you 7 signs that show you were born to be a full-time writer.

1. You See Stories Everywhere:

The world around you never stops giving you potential narratives.

You eavesdrop shamelessly at cafes, turning pieces of conversation into elaborate backstories for strangers.

A grumpy old man at the bus stop?

He’s probably a retired spy with a dark secret. A stray feather blowing down the street?

It can be an opening line to a thrilling mystery. This constant eye for stories is a sure sign of a writer’s mind.

2. You’re a Master Daydreamer:

You play fantastical scenes with captivating characters.

You may have a whole universe built inside your head, complete with alien languages and epic wars between good and evil.

Or perhaps you lose yourself in elaborate daydreams about your own life, rewriting scenarios and crafting witty comebacks you wish you’d said in real life.

After all, where do stories come from?

They’re born from the wellspring of our creativity.

3. You Love Books:

You get practically attached to a book, whether it’s a heart-wrenching romance or a sci-fi.

You find reading as a way to learn, to be inspired, and to see how others are turning their imaginations into irresistible stories.

You find yourself analyzing how sentences are structured, and dissecting plot twists.

4. You Feel Alive When You Write

You feel totally in the zone, connected to your ideas and buzzing with creativity.

If writing makes you feel this happy and fulfilled, it might be a big clue that you were meant to do it all day, every day.

5. You’re a Natural Storyteller

When you tell a story, people listen.

Your ability to captivate an audience with your words and transport them to different worlds shows that storytelling comes naturally to you.

6. You Can’t Resist a Well-Crafted Sentence:

You have a way with words that make the ordinary sound extraordinary.

Maybe you find yourself writing funny captions for your friends’ photos on social media, or crafting witty emails that leave your colleagues in stitches.

A writer has this kind of love for the art of language.

7. You Can’t Stop Writing:

No matter how busy life gets, you always find a way to squeeze in some writing time.

These could be a few stolen moments on your commute to work, a late-night scribbling session with sips of coffee, or a busy weekend.

Writing is not just a hobby, it’s your need that burns brightly within you and demands to be expressed.

Have you heard: “Writing is an act of discovery”?

Not even all, but in the end, if you have found a few of the above signs within you, congratulations, you were born to be a full-time writer.



Ryan Mitchell ℝℳ★

Leadership Guide, Speaker. Former Googler, Idaho MBA Grad. Passionate about empowering individuals through Music, leadership, Tech, and knowledge exchange.