Is Your Leadership Aligned or an Illusion & How to Bridge the Strategy Gap?

Why Most CEOs Fail to Implement Real Strategic Principles and What We Can Do About It?

Dr Mehmet Yildiz (Tech)
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4 min read4 days ago


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As a long term researcher of technical leadership and excellence, one of my hobbies is to explore fresh voices and unique perspectives from thought leaders from different cultures. While browsing my reading feed today, I came across and article with a beautifully narrated voice.

The title of article instantly attracted my attention “Close the Gap: Align Your Leadership with the Company’s Real StrategyI intuitively knew it would be insightful and it was. Therefore I wanted to share my thoughts about it briefly to give a perspective to my readers and encourage them to explore this thought leader if you are interested in leadership topic.

In his thought-provoking article, Svyatoslav Rosov parallels the leadership challenges CEOs face with a cinematic twist, referencing “Shutter Island.”

The real takeaway is that leadership strategy often becomes disconnected, much like the protagonist’s false reality. Rosov critiques this gap, highlighting a study by MIT Sloan revealing that only 28% of executives know their company’s strategic priorities.



Dr Mehmet Yildiz (Tech)

Executive Technology Consultant and Cognitive Scientist focusing on tech, business, and leadership. Founder of ILLUMINATION