Is Your Woman a Control Freak?

The Sneaky Ways Women Manipulate Men!

Ryan Mitchell ℝℳ★
2 min readMar 12, 2024


Photo by Raamin ka on Unsplash

Women may use this or that strategy in their personal relationships, and men are also known to use some strategies at times, all of which can be healthy or unhealthy depending on the circumstances or on how the individuals involved are affected.

Some examples of potentially manipulative tactics that anyone might use can include:

1. Emotional manipulation:

Arousing emotions to achieve a result.

It can be done by blaming, showing unrealistic sorrow and trying to get sympathy or just ignoring the other person.

2. Gaslighting:

Nobody knows better than movies that it’s not just the physical presence of the monsters that makes them scary.

This is done by disputing facts, creating a mess in the environment or lying in a blatant way to cause disbelief and mistrust.

3. Passive-aggressive behavior:

Indirectly showing hostility through actions and words such as sarcastic comments, avoidance, and intentionally being inefficient, especially during disputes.

4. Guilt-tripping:

It is wrong to make people feel bad about themselves in order to make them act or decide in a particular way.

Normally this involves expressing the feelings of disappointment or sadness because of what the other person either did or didn’t do.

5. Silent treatment:

Avoiding communicating or not communicating at all to manage the situation or as a punishment for other person’s misbehavior.

6. Playing the victim:

Appearing as a victim in many circumstances aiming to acquire sympathy, aid, and/or compromises from others.

7. Reciprocity:

Applying the rule of reciprocity in such a way that doing favors with an implicit understanding of something in return rather than out of goodwill.

It is imperative to explicitly distinguish manipulative behavior and normal healthy interactions that can occur when people express their needs, desires and limits.

A good relationship is one in which communication is clear and evident, and actions are not based on control or manipulation, but on mutual respect.

This is another reason why it is important to realize that manipulative behaviors can be exhibited by anyone, and these behaviors are not exclusive to or necessarily characteristic of one gender.

If one is manipulated in any relationship and irrespective of the gender dynamics, it is necessary to reach out to friends, family, or professional counselors to address the issue.



Ryan Mitchell ℝℳ★

Leadership Guide, Speaker. Former Googler, Idaho MBA Grad. Passionate about empowering individuals through Music, leadership, Tech, and knowledge exchange.