Israel-Palestine History Summed Up in a YT Short

History for People in a Hurry

Rational Belief
1 min readOct 27, 2023


There is a beautiful saying:

Not knowing is not a shame.
Not learning is the shame.

It is OK if you don’t know what is going on between Israel and Palestine. However, it is weird when you don’t want to know.

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

If you want to know the truth about Israel-Palestine but you don’t have too much time to do extensive research, then this YouTube Short video below by Labra channel is for you. It is ≤1 minute. Please watch it, then (come back and) let us know what you think.


You may also like to read the following article, which is “NOT” related to Israel and Palestine.

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Rational Belief

Muslim, interested in Religion, Philosophy, Science and Engineering.