It Costs You Nothing To Be Good

A smile may even save a life



Photo by Javier de la Maza on Unsplash

How often we judge people! We look at a person or their picture and soon form opinions about them. Do we have any inkling about what they are going through? How their lives are? How much time do they have left? Of course, none of us knows how much time we have left! The continuous global events that we are so often experiencing make me think often of the brevity of life. How many people we have lost to Covid, how many children have been orphaned throughout the world, how floods devastated parts of Europe, India, China, and elsewhere in a matter of seconds destroying lives, homes, livelihoods, fires in parts of the U.S and Australia, and the list goes on!

A gentle word, a kind look, a good-natured smile can work wonders and accomplish miracles.

William Hazlitt

Going for a walk during the lockdown I pass by many strangers. I try to look up, make brief eye contact and greet them with a smile. If I see a smile and a nod, it has made my day. It costs me nothing! We are all human beings! We need each other! Isolation can be killing and it is a slow death! That person who saw you smile might think that life is not that bad, there are nice people and there are reasons to live! A smile or a few kind words could help someone survive! Could bring joy to the heart. Nothing! Just a brief smile, a few nice words to the person sitting in the doctor’s clinic, to the lonely salesperson in the store, to that guard standing at the restaurant door all day long…

Take every opportunity to make a nice comment, to help the needy in any small way that you can, smile, and say a few nice words! This is all life is about! This is what we take with us! Not our money, not our worldly belongings, nothing.




Top Writer in Food & Cooking, Life Experiences, Self-Improvement, Health, Gardening, memoirs and anything beneficial for the reader.