It Could Have Been You

On the genocide.

Cappuccino Letters
Jun 15, 2024


A black and white image of destroyed buildings and rubble
Photo by Levi Meir Clancy on Unsplash

It could have been me
It could have been you
I sit here, cappuccino in hand, cuddled on my sofa
While they are steadily, determinedly, doggedly, being eliminated. Exterminated.

They have written about their deaths
The poets and the writers
Little echoes
Ripples in the rocky seas
Of unheard voices
Untold stories
Ignored loss

It could have been me
In the bombed hospitals
Birthing the last of the Palestinians in the black hole of genocide

It could have been you
The child who sees his family disintegrate in front of his eyes
Cuts a lonely little figure
Amidst sirens and planes and tanks and screams

It could have been me

It could have been you

