It Is Okay If You Don’t Follow Me

A rant to a fake Medium follower

Zul Bal


Photo by Jehyun Sung on Unsplash

I don’t know about you, but I’ve noticed a peculiar phenomena on this platform. I’ve gained dozens of new followers who don’t seem to follow me for who I am or what I write here.

It is obvious that they’ve never bothered to read a single word I’ve uttered.

I didn’t think it was a problem until a writer with many thousands of followers began to follow me. I thought he had made a mistake until I saw one of his articles.

I recoiled in horror upon reading his advice on how to gain hordes of followers.

One of his time-tested tips is for his readers to recklessly and ruthlessly follow people right and left in the hope that some will follow them back. Then he goes on to explain they should unfollow those idiots when it’s time for cleanup.

Seriously, dude? Are you for real?

I am neither impressed nor envious of the numbers and statistics you’ve racked up with your careful calculations. I don’t follow your advice because I just don’t get it. It doesn’t make sense to me and only sounds so wrong.

In fact, I am embarrassed for you for shamelessly broadcasting petty tips and dirty tricks that make you look indecent in the eyes of sincere folks.



Zul Bal

I write to collect, capture, and curate ordinary beautiful ideas.