It Took Me Years To Do This…

Learn From Your Mistakes - 7 Ways To Improve Your Life

Louie J.
6 min readJun 11, 2023


After 5 long years into a journey of self-development, I’ve probably made more mistakes than trees have leaves.

I’ve been through continual trial and error. Following advice after advice.

Sometimes it’s taken me places, but most of the time it’s left me right back where I started.

You’ve clicked on this article so you must be tired of making the same mistakes. Just like me.

Feeling like you’re getting nowhere. Just like me.

It took me years to learn so of the lessons I did and the truth of it is, you’re never back where you have started, now you have experience.

BUT the cycle doesn’t end unless you make it, you must realise what you’re doing and make a change.

By using these lessons that I learned you can turn your mistakes into valuable experiences much sooner than I ever did.

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

1. Acknowledging the mistakes.

It can be hard to take responsibility sometimes, especially if it gets you in trouble however acknowledging your mistakes is the first step to overcoming them.

If you can’t even see what you have done wrong, how can you learn?

Yes, acknowledging that you are in the wrong may not get you in everyone’s best, but this will all add to your character.

Others around you will start to see you as a respectable individual even if you have done wrong.

You’ll be seen as you will be someone who doesn’t lie and takes responsibility for their actions.

Blaming others and making excuses will just create conflict and prevent you from progressing.

There is no opportunity for growth in excuses. You must change the way you think and perform.

Work towards being the best version of yourself.

2. Identify the cause.

Identifying the root cause of a mistake can be difficult as it requires a lot of thinking into past events, however, it’s the only way to prevent the same mistakes from happening in the future.

Start by asking yourself a few questions to get to the bottom of it.

Was it a lack of preparation? Poor decision-making? or something else?

Find the answers and work from there.

Another way to identify the cause is to ask others. They may be able to see things that you can’t.

Have you got a boss, colleague or friend that you can ask?

Tell your friends what has happened and ask for advice. See if they can provide you with a solution.

Don’t take the advice as personally or as negative criticism, they are only trying to highlight potential flaws.

once you have identified why you made the mistake, change your habits.

3. Seek feedback from others.

This links in with our previous point.

Sometimes, we can’t see our mistakes clearly as we are worked up or flustered so going to an external source is the next best thing as other individuals may have a different perspective on the same situation.

An outside perspective can help identify areas for improvement. They can also provide you with the next steps to take if they have experience in the same field.

Something to bear in mind is that not everyone will want the best for you. Find someone you can trust and reflect on what they have said and adapt.

Photo by Santa Barbara on Unsplash

4. Admire Your Mistakes.

Admiring a mistake may seem weird. Mistakes are bad, aren’t they?

The thing is not all mistakes are as negative as you may think.

We should admire the mistakes we make in the sense that we tried.

It’s impossible to create any think of substance without mistakes. It’s part of the way to success.

Every professional musician, actor and entrepreneur has made mistakes to get to the level of skill they have.

Authors have terrible early drafts and artists have appalling first paintings.

It’s all part of the territory.

Yes, it can be difficult to embrace and admire your mistakes because everyone wants to be right. Everyone wants to reach the top level of perfection.

The way to get there though isn’t just by knowing what to do, it’s also by knowing what not to do, and that knowledge is gained through making mistakes.

5. Set an example.

When you embrace the mistakes you’ve made, you’re also setting an example for others.

It can be embarrassing to be in the wrong but acknowledging that you are is what makes people good leaders.

By setting an example, you not only teach people what they should do when they make a mistake but you’re also showing people how they should act.

Once you own it, don’t cower away and feel bad. Own it with confidence. Stoically reply to others about the situation and show that you’re willing to take responsibility for your actions and that you’re open to feedback and criticism.

It’s just a little mistake at the end of the day, it’s not life and death.

This’ll create a healthy culture of learning and growth with people in your life.

6. Correct the mistakes.

There is no point in setting an example to others by owning your mistakes if you aren’t going to do everything in your power to correct them.

Right your wrongs. Do the right thing by taking action to fix the situation you have caused.

This might mean apologizing to people you’ve hurt, taking steps to correct a mistake at work, or purchasing something back if you have broken it.

Be the solution to the problems.

Set things straight, don’t let your ego get in the way.

7. Consider the consequences.

All decisions made have consequences, whether they’re positive or negative so it’s important to consider the consequences of your mistakes.

They will not just impact you but also impact those around you.

Find out! Ask yourself questions to find out the extent of your mistakes.

What impact did it have on myself and others?

Did it cause harm or damage?

Did it lead to a missed opportunity?

This way you can apologise to others and help them if you have contributed negatively to their lives by your actions OR you can keep doing what you are doing if it has impacted others positively.

By understanding the consequences, you can not only learn from your mistake, but you can also help yourself make changes in your life to prevent similar situations from happening in the future as there are also consequences to not learning from your mistakes.

These are the constant negative impact on your life.


Everyone makes mistakes it’s how you respond to those mistakes that sets you apart from others and makes all the difference.

By following the 7 steps listed above you set yourself up for success in the future.

Remember to admit, own, reflect and adapt.

Next time you make a mistake, take a deep breath, breath and right the wrongs you have created.

Photo by Sean Benesh on Unsplash

Thank you for taking the time to read my article. If you found it helpful and think someone else could find it helpful too, please share it and 👏🏽👏🏽.

A writer mainly on self-development. I occasionally write on personal experiences, interest and other topics too. If you are interested in self-development, then please read some of my other articles (linked below). Enjoy.



Louie J.

Independent writer. Sharing my experiences on my journey with Self-development to help you with yours. Follow to learn, let's go!