You Can Benefit From These Life-Lesson of Mine

Published in
4 min readAug 30, 2022

I regret ignoring them every freaking time

Image By Author

Although it has not been so many years since I lived on earth. I’m going to enter my 20s and before that, I’ve learned 20 Life Lessons that I’m going to write down here which can help you in your journey in life.

Lesson 1

Learn To Form A Team. TeamWork is a powerful tool to get the heavy work done without too much load on individuals.

There’s a famous quote that says

“Divide The Tasks And Double The success”

If you want to get started, you can do so by mentioning your terms to the freelancers on several platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, etc.

Here’s what I have got in reply to the job I’ve posted to get the -boring assignment- work done!

Photos owned by author
Photos owned by author
Photos owned by author

The above two pieces of work are given by that freelancer : )

What Does It Take?

$0, Only your time.

What will I learn?

Whom/How To Hire Minds of Skilled people.

Lesson 2


It doesn’t mean sticking to one book. It may not diversify your knowledge, but do revisit them after finishing your reading list : ) within a week or month and get a new perspective again.

Lesson 3

Don’t Skip out on words whose meaning you don’t know while reading anything. According to The Code Of An Extraordinary Mind (page number 36 ), we see the world in terms of words if we don’t know the word we cannot analyze things better.

Lesson 4

Giving Out More Than You Receive is the first step toward improvement. Have you noticed from morning to bedtime how much information you keep consuming from the Internet, Gossipers, News, Friends, Netflix, etc?

Elon Musk says

“Apply the knowledge you have acquired or at least write down where you are going to use it, we evolved in such a way that we discarded all the information that was not useful”

Lesson 5

College is great but it isn’t necessary, it's just like you are giving diamonds in return for polished glass. It isn’t going to make you intelligent or a better person. It doesn’t always make you more money than the non-college graduate.

Lesson 6

There is someone with whom you’re going to live days and nights, at every ups and downs “YOU♡”

Don’t always treat yourself as if you’re the only dumbass here, many still are and many were!

Lesson 7

Write Down All Those Ideas Which Comes In Your Mind But You Didn’t Execute Them Immediately.

Lesson 8

Getting a job and starting to earn is not what financial freedom means, getting married is not equal to building healthy relationships, and living for survival is not meant to be healthy. Learn as much as you can about these three pillars of life and you won’t regret it.

Lesson 9

It's Okay To Be A Robo Which Has A Glitch!

Thinking totally different in several aspects of life indicates that you are having your own unique perspective of looking at things and now you can do what most people don’t.

Lesson 10

Forget Everything Before Learning Anything.

Lesson 11

Mistakes Are Necessary But They Are Not Compulsory.

Lesson 12

Find The Time To Appreciate Yourself. Write down your plus-minuses monthly or ask someone else who can tell you genuinely. Because it is very hard to move on when none is clapping for you.

Lesson 13

Challenge Your Beliefs.

The new and valuable things I discover only when I’ve done completely opposite of what I usually do. Like — My daily routine is perfect for me and no change from the root was required.

But still, I followed this routine for 1 day and it Blasted my Mind with Unique Ideas. And I’m going to use it for a week and again change it.

Lesson 14

Be Practical. In this age of the internet, there came many possibilities to become successful and valuable but some of you are still DayDreamers which isn’t bad but there’s a difference between making things done and hoping things are done. And believe me first one is super dope!

Lesson 15

Sharing ‘Your Valuable Knowledge’ Will Result In A Better Society And Peace Within You.

Lesson 16

Travel Travel Travel. After 25years you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do rather than the things you did. Remember it

Lesson 17

Exposure, I can’t sum up in words. By consistently being around the millionaire and billionaires either personally or through books, my level of thinking heightened. I expanded my goal and vision because of a simple thing: Exposure.

Lesson 18

Earn $1 From As Many Ways As You Can And You Won’t Find Yourself Poor Anymore.

Lesson 19

“Early To Bed Early To Rise Makes You Healthy And Wise.” I find more meaning in it at this age.

Lesson 20

Every Close Friend Was A Stranger(like me (^.^). Sometimes your family becomes the people you meet along your life journey.

Looking forward to gazing at your reactions in the comment pool.




I have nothing to say but If I may ask ... can we have a coffee together.☕